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I help parents and educators understand the root cause of the mental health crisis and give them the tools they need to save lives.

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The teenage years are hard. Our teens face daily challenges deeper than we can imagine. From traumatic childhood experiences to stress at school and social media, there is no doubt our teenagers face more adult issues than we ever did. Trauma and prolonged periods of stress can lead to anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorders, mental health conditions, and the nightmare of teen suicide. 

There is no doubt America is facing a youth mental health crisis. That is what we can see. But, the youth mental health crisis is just the tip of the iceberg. It is the pain beneath the surface that is killing our kids. To end the crisis, we must address the emotional pain - the driving force behind substance abuse, addiction, broken relationships, school violence, and suicide.
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Mental Health Speaker & Suicide Prevention Training

Amy Kathleen Lee's honest, authentic speaking style and use of humor open the door for parents and educators to learn simple and effective communication techniques around teen suicide and mental health so they feel more confident and equipped to help youth through painful experiences. As a youth suicide intervention specialist and a suicide survivor, Amy is all too familiar with the emotional pain teenagers face which is why she uses personal stories from her life and the lives of teens she's worked with to talk about the real issues facing parents and educators to help them find solutions. 


Amy's Talks

Beneath the Surface: The Pain Killing Our Kids

Description: Death by Suicide in teens is on the rise and shows no slowing down. Let's slow this devastating trend. Dive beneath the surface of the youth mental health crisis and explore the real issues driving teens to end their lives. 


Through the power of personal stories, parents and educators will 

  • Learn to recognize and validate emotional pain using three life-saving messages all struggling teens need to hear. 

  • Discover the power of confidently initiating mental health conversations as a solution, not to be dreaded.

  • Gain real-life insights that turn talk into a walk of saving lives.

After this presentation, parents and educators will see the crisis from a new perspective and understand their role in initiating conversations that become the bridge on which teens walk out of isolation into connection. 

Youth Mental Health 101:

What Parents and Educators Need to Know 

Do you ever worry about your teen's mental health but don't know what to say or do to help them? Do you ever wonder if what they are struggling with is normal adolescent ups and downs or the start of a mental health condition? In Mental Health 101, parents and educators learn the signs and symptoms of the most common mental health conditions, the difference between typical adolescents and a clinical diagnosis, and explore the latest statistics to better understand just how common mental health struggles are. Every parent and teacher needs to hear this talk because the best thing you can do for your teen is educate yourself and be prepared to offer the life-saving support they so desperately need.

In this talk, you will learn:

  • Signs and symptoms of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, eating disorders, and substance abuse disorders. 

  • How to recognize and better understand unhealthy coping mechanisms of self-harm, drugs, and alcohol. 

  • Learn the role trauma and emotional pain play in the development of mental health conditions.

  • Learn which teens are the most at-risk of suicide and how to support them.


“Amy is entertaining and informative -  that’s hard to do as a presenter! She gave us a lot of information but did it in a way that was easy to understand. I imagine sharing her personal story is difficult but it is very helpful to help relate to the information. Her courage is appreciated and admired.”

— Middle School Teacher

In need of immediate mental health assistance?


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