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Amy Kathleen Lee
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Learn suicide prevention from a suicide survivor.

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Right now, our country is experiencing a mental health crisis. Suicide deaths are on the rise.

We must respond. It is time we equip ourselves with the tools needed to end the suicide crisis in America. 

Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America. It is also the most preventable cause of death.


There is HOPE. You don't have to be a mental health professional to prevent suicide. We can save lives.

Start by learning: 

→ Warning signs

→ Suicide facts and statistics

→ Strategies to ask the question…. Are you thinking of suicide?



Want to host a training for your organization? Are you looking for an upcoming training to join? 

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What is QPR?  







What is QPR? 

QPR is a three step action plan to help someone experiencing a mental health crisis. 


What is a QPR-trained gatekeeper? 

According to the Surgeon General’s National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (2001), a gatekeeper is someone in a position to recognize a crisis and the warning signs that someone may be contemplating suicide. Gatekeepers can be anyone:  friends, neighbors, teachers, ministers, doctors, nurses, and many who are strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide. 


As a QPR-trained gatekeeper you will learn: 

  • Recognize the warning signs of suicide

  • Know how to respond

  • Know how to get help and save a life


Who needs training? 

In short, the more people trained in QPR, the more lives saved! Training is available for ages 14 and up; students, parents, educators, workplaces, professionals, and faith leaders,  


  • Family Members - The QPR Institute strongly recommends at least one person per family unit be trained. Family members are more likely to recognize early warning signs and respond to them than others outside the household. 

  • Community Members - Just as we are required to take CPR for an employer, all community members should have access to suicide prevention training.  

  • School Staff - School administrators, teachers, and other school staff, play a key role in early intervention. 

  • Young People - Students are more likely to tell a friend if they are suicidal than tell an adult. It's important to know how to help a friend in need.


*Customizable training available for individuals working in the fields of eating disorders, dance and performing arts, trauma, and domestic violence.


How long is the training?

90 minutes - The training includes a QPR manual, a certificate of completion, and mental health resources materials. 

Online training available upon request.

3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. 

Gradient Background

About Amy's Training


Amy is a certified Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor, and Q.P.R. (Question. Persuade. Refer) for Suicide Prevention trainer. She specializes in helping youth who may be thinking of suicide. Since 2016, she's been working with the local school systems to educate their administration and staff in suicide prevention. So far, she's certified over 800 adults, 400 students in San Luis Obispo and Northern Santa Barbara Counties. 


According to the feedback forms, her training stands out because she's survived suicide and people like to put a face to it. She uses personal stories to reinforce the steps she's teaching. 


In addition to training she creates customized mental health presentations for middle and high school classrooms and assemblies. In 2017, Transition Mental Health Association hired Amy as a consultant and trainer to help them create a High School Program which included a customized mental health presentation for freshman health classes, and an original suicide prevention action plan for youth. The curriculums are called New Perspectives and ALEC (Ask. Listen. Encourage. Connect).


What People Are Saying About Amy's Training

"Amy's training was amazing. Even Neal liked it!"
- Dog Training Elite Phoenix 
Dog Training Elite

QPR Resource

The founder of QPR, Dr. Paul Quinnett, has written a book entitled, Suicide: The Forever Decision, for those thinking about suicide and for those who know, love and counsel them. Download this resource here to read.

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